Free Subdomain or Domain Hosting for your website provides reliable free web hosting service that includes 50 MB of FREE webspace that is more than enouth to create plenty of free web pages for your personal or business web site.
You can build and manage your free website using our easy Site Builder and/or File Manager,
and enhance your HTML pages with many pre-installed scripts like Guestbook, Counter,
Form E-mail, Webrings, Site Search Engine, that are included with all free website hosting accounts. Free web hosting options: Subdomain / Domain hosting
Free Domain Hosting - in case you have your own domain name, is able to host your domain name for free on our servers and provide you some free space to store your website pages; and it doesn't matter if you have a, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us,
.bz, .nu, .ws, .jp, .ca,, .de, .cn, .be,, .md, .tv, .cc, .eu, or any other domain name - we still can host any your own domain name free of charge.
Free Subdomain Hosting - in case you don't have your own domain name, you can get your absolutely free subdomain name of domain that is very short and easy to remember, and it looks exactly like a real paid domain name - So that you get a free web site hosting at with sub domain address absolutely free!
Cheap web hosting plans by Cheap Hosting provides affordable web site hosting plans that include more Disk Space and Bandwidth than free hosting accounts,
some enhanced Web Based E-Mail & POP3 features,
web hosting with PHP and MySQL database support, CGI scripting and private CGI-BIN directory, support for FrontPage 2002 extensions, FTP Access, Priority Customer Support by phone, and there are NO any forced ads (no banners, no popups) on premium cheap webhosting packages.
Compare cheap website hosting packages:
Business Plan
 10,000 MB of Space
 1000 GB Bandwidth
 Unlim. POP Mailboxes
 FrontPage 2002 Ext.
 PHP, MySQL, CGI, Perl
 price: $24.95 / month
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 10,000 MB of Space
 100 GB Bandwidth
 500 POP3 Mailboxes
 FrontPage 2002 Ext.
 PHP, MySQL, CGI, Perl
 price: $14.95 / month
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Personal Plan
 5,000 MB of webpace
 50 GB of Bandwidth
 100 POP3 Mailboxes
 FrontPage 2002 Ext.
 PHP, MySQL, CGI, Perl
 price: $7.95 / month
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Starter Plan
 1000 MB Web Space
 10 GB of Bandwidth
 25 POP/Email Accounts
 FrontPage 2002 Ext.
 Full FTP Access
 price: $3.95 / month
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